Monday, May 30, 2011

The Wizards Tower - Part 3 The Finished Product

The finished Wizards Tower in more natural light. The doors really bring a finished look to the project.

What would a Wizards Tower be without a Wizard.
 The Red Knight and his henchmen come to recruit the Wizard for their next adventure.

After a few rounds of negotiating the Wizard heads off to increase his fame and fortune.
The Wizard is one of those iconic minis from my childhood (early teen-hood.) He was from Grenadier Models and released at some point in the very early '80s.  I am not sure why it made such an impression on me but when I think of D&D I think of the blue box rules and this guy.  I carted him around for over 25 years before he even got primed, I think in part because I was afraid of screwing it up.  Its not going to be up for an Wamp awards but I think he turned out OK.  I am pretty sure the knight minis are from the late '80s, and yeah, I just got around to painting them last year as well. I have kind of a backlog of metal.  Maybe my kid with finish them someday.

For an alternative look at the Wizards Tower, take a look at this Mordheim Mad Scientist Tower.


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